The Housing Choice Voucher Program, also known as the Section 8 Program, provides tenant-based and project-based assistance, in the form of a voucher, to low-income families, seniors and persons with disabilities for rental units chosen by the tenant in the private market.
The program requires a partnership between The Housing Authority of the City of Prichard, the assisted family and the property owner. Eligible families choose from a variety of housing options, such as apartments, duplexes, single-family homes or townhomes. The design of the program not only allows, but also encourages mobility. Participants pay only a portion of the rent, based on income, utilities and other factors. The Housing Authority provides payments directly to participating property owners to offset the cost difference between tenant payment and unit rent.
For additional information, select one of the options below:
- HCV Applicants
- Tenants
- Current and Prospective Owners