Current and Prospective Owners
As an owner or a prospective owner, you will find the resources you need to learn more or otherwise improve your participation on the program.
Property Listings
Prichard Housing Authority has provided an online system to enhanced program to list rental properties online. Listings are available to voucher holders seeking apartments, duplexes, single-family homes or townhomes in the private market.
To list your unit on the Vacancy List, click here.
Direct Deposit
We are now making all housing assistance payments by direct deposit. If you need to submit your payment information for the first time, or change your current information, please download the form and submit it to the Section 8 Office located at 200 W Prichard Ave. Prichard. Please remember to report any changes by the 20th so that there is no delay your payment.
For the detail of your payments received by direct deposit, please click here. Enter your login information as provided by Prichard Housing Authority. There you can check your current and recent historical payment transaction detail.
Housing Quality Standards
HUD requires that all units occupied by families receiving assistance meet established physical standards to ensure that the housing is decent, safe, and sanitary. These standards, collectively called the Housing Quality Standards (HQS), must be met at initial occupancy, before Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract execution and throughout the term of the lease.
We recommend performing your own inspection of the property and making any necessary repairs prior to the Housing Authority scheduled Inspection.
The following is a list of common HQS deficiency items from Housing Choice Voucher properties that cause inspections to fail and create delays or abatements of rental payments to landlords:
- Utilities not on
- Inoperable heat supply
- Missing or insufficient weather-stripping
- Loose or torn carpet
- Missing or cracked electrical outlet cover plates
- Cracked or peeling paint on walls
- Cracked or broken windowpanes
- Evidence of roof leaks/pipe leaks
- Dirty stoves and ovens
- Insufficient bath ventilation
- Leaking faucets or plumbing
- Temperature/pressure relief discharge line on water heater not routed to exterior of home
- Gaps, holes or spaces in foundation or exterior walls
- Missing or inoperable smoke detectors
- Lack of a permanent heat source in a bedroom
- S-traps installed in drain lines
- Stove burners not working
- Torn or loose refrigerator gaskets
- Exterior steps with more than four risers or steps lacking handrails
- Roach infestation
- Faulty electrical wiring such as exposed wire splices
- Toilets not flushing properly
- Sinks and tubs not draining properly
- On/off knob settings on ovens and stoves not visible
- No guardrail on porches, patios, balconies or steps that are 30″ or more in height
For a more detailed explanation of the Housing Quality Standards Inspection Requirements, visit or use the Search Engine for "Housing Quality Standards".
Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I make a unit available to voucher holders?
- Visit the link provided above or go to to list your unit. Your unit will appear on the vacancy list provided to all searching families.
- Visit the link provided above or go to to list your unit. Your unit will appear on the vacancy list provided to all searching families.
- What do I do when a voucher holder is interested in my unit?
- You must screen the prospective tenant carefully to ensure you are making a good selection. You may use any or all of the following screening procedures: Credit Check, Landlord References, Criminal Check and Home Visits. We encourage all of the above screening methods as long as you do not discriminate. Discrimination includes any tenant selection based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, country of birth, disability or familial status. The prohibition against discrimination based on familial status makes it illegal, in most circumstances, to refuse to allow children to live in a residential unit.
Once you have approved the tenant, he or she will have a Request for Tenancy Approval form and another packet of documents for you to complete. Those forms must be filled out completely and submitted, along with your proposed lease, to our office located at 200 W Prichard Ave, Prichard. Once submitted, the inspection department will contact you to schedule an inspection.
The unit will be inspected to ensure compliance with HUD Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Additionally, a rent reasonableness review will be conducted to ensure that your proposed rent is reasonable. Once the unit has been approved for the program, you and the tenant will enter into a lease. Then, you will sign the Housing Assistance Payment Contract, with the Housing Authority, which allows assistance payments on behalf of the tenant.
- You must screen the prospective tenant carefully to ensure you are making a good selection. You may use any or all of the following screening procedures: Credit Check, Landlord References, Criminal Check and Home Visits. We encourage all of the above screening methods as long as you do not discriminate. Discrimination includes any tenant selection based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, country of birth, disability or familial status. The prohibition against discrimination based on familial status makes it illegal, in most circumstances, to refuse to allow children to live in a residential unit.
- What are the requirements for my unit to be rented under the program?
- The unit must meet Housing Quality Standards and the rent must fall within HUD Fair Market Rents and market rate comparables.
- The unit must meet Housing Quality Standards and the rent must fall within HUD Fair Market Rents and market rate comparables.
- Who pays the rent?
- The tenant pays at least 30% of his or her monthly income, less utilities, toward rent. You collect the tenant's portion of the rent from the tenant. Prichard Housing Authority pays the assistance (difference between the tenant's rent and the contract rent amount) directly to you.
- The tenant pays at least 30% of his or her monthly income, less utilities, toward rent. You collect the tenant's portion of the rent from the tenant. Prichard Housing Authority pays the assistance (difference between the tenant's rent and the contract rent amount) directly to you.
- Can I collect security deposit?
- Yes. The Housing Authority prohibits security deposits in excess of private practice, or in excess of amounts charged by the owner to unassisted tenants. Deposits must be in compliance with Alabama Law.
- Yes. The Housing Authority prohibits security deposits in excess of private practice, or in excess of amounts charged by the owner to unassisted tenants. Deposits must be in compliance with Alabama Law.
- What is the term of the lease and contract?
- The initial term of lease is one year. Your lease should define the renewal terms, whether it is month-to-month, six months, or a year. Your lease should also state how much notice required for either you or your tenant to terminate the lease (e.g., 30 or 60 days). After the initial term, you can request a rent increase in writing with a 60-day notice. The Housing Authority must approve this increase.
- The initial term of lease is one year. Your lease should define the renewal terms, whether it is month-to-month, six months, or a year. Your lease should also state how much notice required for either you or your tenant to terminate the lease (e.g., 30 or 60 days). After the initial term, you can request a rent increase in writing with a 60-day notice. The Housing Authority must approve this increase.
- What are my rights and responsibilities as a landlord?
- You must:
- Maintain your property in good condition
- Complete repairs within a reasonable timeframe (24 hours for emergencies) upon request by the Housing Authority or tenant
- Set reasonable rules about use of a unit and common areas
- Not enter a unit without tenant's permission and proper notice, except for emergencies and in compliance with Alabama Law
- Collect appropriate security deposit and use only as directed by state law.
- Comply with equal opportunity requirements
- Enforce tenant obligations under the lease. Expect your tenant to pay rent on time, keep the unit clean, avoid illegal activity, permit access for repairs, avoid damage to property, refrain from disturbing others, only allow the household members on the lease to reside in the unit
- Take action through Magistrate's Court to evict when tenant violates the lease
- Comply with the terms and conditions of the lease and HAP Contract.
- You must: