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The staff listing is organized by department and includes telephone numbers and position/title.
The Housing Authority of the City of Prichard (HACP) 251.283.0111
Executive Office
- Kimberly Levingston, Chief Executive Officer, Ext. 190
- Lisa J. Ephriam, Executive Administrative Assistant, Ext. 190
- Taylor Harris, Accounting Manager, Ext. 191
- Shakeyia Weaver, Accountant, Ext. 181
- Kayla McMillian, Accountant, Ext. 183
HCV/Section 8
- Danielle Thornton, HCV Program Director, Ext. 101
- Martha Presnell, HCV Manager, Ext. 102
- Debra Gaines, Office Manager, Ext. 100
- Jamarria Smith, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 106
- Jennifer Rhodes, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 103
- Nedra Hill, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 104
- Terri Samuels, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 107
- LaShatca Fritz, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 105
- Tamika Briggs, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 109
- Kalvin Boggs, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 115
- Aretha Gatson, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 110
- Angela Clarke, Occupancy Specialist, Ext. 123
- Alvin Jarreau, Inspection Supervisor, Ext. 111
- Maurice Samuels, Inspector, Ext. 112
- Suzette McKee, Inspection Clerk, Ext. 113
- Zshakira Fisher, HCV Clerk, Ext. 187
- Shulanda Norwood, Director of Housing Operations, Ext. 120
- Donnisha Barlow, Property Manager, Ext. 124
- Sharli Pennington, Property Manager, Ext. 161
- Kristy Campbell, Assistant Property Manager, Ext. 160
- Taliba Taylor, Property Manager, Ext. 130
- Glenda Collymore, Assistant Property Manager, Ext. 131
- Carle Smith, Property Manager, Ext. 140
- Shiyan Collins, Assistant Property Manager, Ext. 141
- Kevin Dunning, Maintenance
- Kenneth Jones, Maintenance
- James Anderson, Maintenance
Special Programs
- Symora King, Quality Control Compliance Manager, Ext. 182
Supportive Services
- Frewin Osteen, Director of Supportive Services, Ext. 186
- Leticia Matthews, Elderly Service Coordinator, Ext. 162
- Katina Lee, FSS Coordinator (HCV), Ext. 108
- Fritzi Oliver, ROSS Grant Coordinator, Ext. 126
- Theris Howard, Recreation Coordinator, Ext. 151